
Blog posts of '2020' 'July'

Pros and Cons of Steel Rims

Pros and Cons of Steel Rims


Are Steel Wheels Better or Worse for My Car?

Steel rims can be a less expensive option for a vehicle and are a better choice in a snowy or salt air climate. However, steel rims are also heavy which can affect the car’s overall performance. Here is a more in-depth look at the pros and cons of steel stock wheels and rims.

Black Steel Rim

Steel is Heavier

OE steel rims are heavier than alloy wheels. The extra weight can cause your car to burn through more fuel. However, their weight can also help your vehicle have better traction, which is ideal in snowy conditions.

Steel wheels are the more economical choice

Steel rims are less expensive than alloy rims, especially if we are talking about factory original wheels. Also, even though they are susceptible to rust in a damp or salt air climate, they can be reconditioned very nicely in most cases! Aluminum rims are more likely to become damaged beyond repair if not kept up!

Steel Wheel Designs can be Plain

Steel OEM Jeep Rim with Cap

Original steel rims will often have very simple plain designs, especially when the finish is black. The image above is representative of a “styled steel wheel” which is usually painted silver and would come with a center cap as opposed to a full-size hubcap and thus leaving exposed the stylization. The black cap in the middle is not part of the wheel. Some may not like this look on their vehicle and may opt for a more shiny alloy wheel, and perhaps even a chrome wheel. However, factory OE steel rims may also be fitted with hubcaps or wheel covers that give it the appearance of aluminum. If you are deciding between steel and alloy for your wheel, check out our comparison of the two.

Production is Fairly Simple

Since steel OE rims look plain and are less complicated to produce, they cost less than other wheels. This can make them a great replacement wheel when you need a quick swap of your original rim if it is damaged. Many will keep an OEM steel rim in their garage as a spare in the event of an accident (So many cars do not come with a spare wheel and tire these days).

They are a less expensive option

Many customers do not need or want an expensive reconditioned rim on an older car model. stocks thousands of used rims, new take-offs, and reconditioned wheels in a wide range of conditions! We use a grading scale that defines used wheels from new to well-used. Even if you receive a stock wheel that may not be the prettiest cosmetically, that wheel will always be a straight and serviceable OEM wheel.

Click here to search through various car makes and models such as Toyota steel take-off rims, Ford original steel wheels, and Dodge steel OEM rims.


Protecting your OEM Wheels from Theft

While car theft is a commonly reported issue, you may also be vulnerable to another type of crime, rim theft. How can you guard your vehicle against a costly loss? has collected some of the best tips to help you protect your wheels. 

  • Alarm System. A loud alarm will deter almost anyone who is up to something no good. 

  • Build bonds with the people living in your neighborhood to increase the chances that someone will report suspicious activity. 

  • Whenever possible, always park your car in a closed garage or park in a populated area with a lot of foot traffic or hopefully in view of security cameras. Well-lit areas are best!

  • When parking, try turning your front wheels! Cranking the steering wheel all of the way will make it a bit harder to pull off larger diameter, and usually more expensive alloy wheels. 

  • Park your car as close to the curb as possible to help deter wheel theft. This way, there's no space for a jack-lift. Be sure to make sure that the rims don't scrape against the curb! 

In the event you are the victim of rim theft, have a spare wheel. So many cars do not come with spares anymore. Ask us about a spare tire and wheel, but keep in mind that it may not fit well in the trunk. is also here to help if you happen to scrape or scuff up your wheel. Our wheel repair services are top of the line while our stock wheel experts know how to provide excellent customer service and get the job done in a timely manner. Read more about alloy wheel repair and reconditioned wheel services here


Also, if your OEM rims do need replacing, whether they are damaged or stolen, we can help you find your replacement wheels within our large inventory of stock factory original rims. carries both steel rims and aluminum alloy wheels in a wide range of conditions from used wheels on up to fully remanufactured factory original wheels.


We stock used rims, new take-off wheels, and reconditioned rims. Our wheels are graded on a scale that helps you find the right stock wheel for you. Check out our factory original wheel selection here

Can’t find the wheel? Just give us a call, and one of our OEM Stock Wheel Experts can help you! (800) 224-1208